Bensonwood builds homes that combine traditional timberframe craftsmanship with cutting-edge prefab construction techniques.

Bensonwood home page on a tablet. Headline reads we build better homes for people and the planet. Large image of a contemporary home with a wood block decoration in the corner.

We collaborated with Bensonwood to redesign their website, highlighting their expertise in fine home building and simplifying their range of offerings. As pioneers in the off-site construction space, it was crucial to showcase their innovative building technology. We designed interactive modules that allow customers to explore the construction process of Bensonwood homes, learn about the company's history, and understand their unique building methods.

Architect page on detailing the layouts and design platform options.
Home designs in a grid
Featured articles grid on a phone
Systems of a house separated into layers
Two ancient greek styled figures bend over a table and using a laptop and a phone.

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